Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



Have you ever attended a teaching workshop and thought, “That’s an interesting idea—but I don’t know how it would work in my class.” If so, this session is for you! In the first part of the workshop, we’ll present a teaching technique chosen at random. Our expert panelists will compete to see who can translate that teaching technique to their own discipline and course in the most creative way. In the second part of the workshop, attendees will have a chance to draw their own teaching technique from the hat and brainstorm about how they might apply it in their own context. Join us to gain new teaching techniques, learn from instructors in other disciplines, and flex your creative muscles! Lunch provided from Taylor's Grocery (Wednesday, January 31, 12:00-1:00 p.m., Butler Auditorium in the Triplett Alumni Center)

Relational Format


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