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Congress Today with Trent Lott. 15 October 1985, Administrator of NASA James M. Beggs interviewed. Topics discussed: research in aeronautics and space; National Space and Technology Lab in Hancock County, Mississippi; shuttle missions; and the space station.

NASA lobbies members of Congress for favorable legislation and appropriations to support their space programs and aeronautics/aerospace research. Part of their advocacy efforts includes the dispensing of memorabilia such as photographs as well as mission patches and miniature flags flown into space.

Photo inscribed by Apollo 13 astronaut Fred Haise to Senator James O. Eastland

Photo inscribed by Apollo 13 astronaut Fred Haise to Senator James Eastland

Letter from Fred Haise to Sen. James Eastland

Letter from Apollo 13 astronaut Fred Haise to Senator James Eastland (received 13 May 1970)