Honors Theses

Little Girl: A Memoir

Date of Award


Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis



First Advisor

Ann Fisher-Wirth

Relational Format



The following is a collection of creative pieces that fall under the genre Autobiographical Creative Nonfiction. This collection includes original pieces of poetry, short stories, and other prose pieces. It reflects four years of study and experiences with creative writing under the instruction of many illustrious professors and writers at the University of Mississippi. I was introduced to the genre of creative nonfiction in the first year of my undergraduate education, and since that point I have been experimenting with ways in which I can synthesize many different forms of writing with that specific genre. This thesis combines elements of creative writing with nonfiction in order to outline the workings of what will, in future publications, become a fully developed memoir.


The author requested to remove access to the thesis on 11/04/2022.

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