University Videos
Celebrating Mississippi's Bicentennial: William Winter Bicentennial Comments

Celebrating Mississippi's Bicentennial: William Winter Bicentennial Comments


William Winter


Streaming Media


By its very nature the state's bicentennial year is an important event in the history of Mississippi. Two hundred years of existence as a state of the United States of America. That of itself is worthy of observing but for Mississippi 200 years of history is includes so many unique and exciting and memorable events. We still live in this great country under the same structure of government the same Constitution hopefully under the same principles. Now we have an opportunity to look back and observe how far we've come and how much we've accomplished but more importantly how much we still have left to do. We must make this 200th year the basis for celebrating not only our history but celebrating the accomplishments that I think we can look forward to in the future.

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Celebrating Mississippi's Bicentennial: William Winter Bicentennial Comments
