Statements on Auditing Standards



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Rule 202 of the Rules of Conduct of the Code of Professional Ethics of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants requires members, when they are associated with financial statements, to comply with the applicable generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards have to do primarily with the characteristics and conduct of individual auditors. A need has arisen to identify policies and procedures of a firm of independent auditors (referred to hereinafter as "a firm" or "the firm") that may affect the quality of work in its audit engagements. This Statement sets forth certain considerations in establishing policies and procedures that will provide the firm with reasonable assurance of conforming with generally accepted auditing standards.

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Auditing -- Standards -- United States; Auditing -- Quality control -- Standards -- United States


Accounting | Taxation


Copyright and permission to reprint held by: American Institute of Certified Public Accountants

Quality control considerations for a firm of independent auditors; Statement on auditing standards, 004



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