Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Ph.D. in Business Administration



First Advisor

Walter Davis

Second Advisor

Tony Ammeter

Third Advisor

Clay Dibrell

Relational Format



A more comprehensive understanding of the positive and negative outcomes of engagement could allow for a better conceptualization of the construct. The three goals of this study were: (1) to examine, based on the job demands and resources framework, potential negative antecedent and outcome relationships (i.e., role conflict, role ambiguity, and counterproductive work behaviors); (2) to identify interactions that could negatively impact engagement’s positive outcomes (i.e. citizenship pressure); and (3) to identify interactions that could positively impact engagement’s negative outcomes (i.e. job embeddedness). To accomplish these goals, the study collected data from both employees and their direct supervisors. An employee survey was utilized to collect data on the independent variables (POS, PSS, role conflict, and role ambiguity), moderators (citizenship pressure and job embeddedness), and engagement. An additional survey, which collected data from the employee’s direct supervisor, contained questions pertaining to the dependent variables (Task performance, OCB-O, OCB-I, and CWB). The results supported the effect of perceived supervisor support on engagement and engagement’s partial mediation of the hypothesized antecedent and outcomes relationships. The interaction of citizenship pressure and engagement was found to weaken engagement’s effect on organizational citizenship behavior targeting the organization. Lastly, the interaction of job embeddedness and engagement made engagement’s effect on counterproductive work behaviors less negative.


Emphasis: Management



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