Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

M.S. in Pharmaceutical Science


Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery

First Advisor

Seongbong Jo

Second Advisor

Seongbong Jo

Third Advisor

Eman Ashour

Relational Format



Peri-implant mucositis is a silent inflammatory condition that is destructive in nature affecting only the soft tissues in the vicinity of dental implants. The current line of treatment includes the use of systemic antibiotics, mechanical debridement using LASER decontamination, the use of mouthwash or oral rinsing with chlorhexidine, maintenance and improvement of oral hygiene, mechanical debridement with or without systemic antibiotic treatment, mechanical debridement with or without the use of local drug delivery systems. However, these treatments do not solve the problem of implant rejection as peri-mucositis progresses to per-implantitis which causes severe bone loss and ultimately leading to implant rejection thus causing a great amount of inconvenience to the patient leading to a reduction in patient compliance. Local delivery of doxycycline may decrease the systemic toxicity of the drug and can also save time and money for the patient in the long run. The aim of my study is to formulate and characterize the release of doxycycline from the polymer matrix and also to reduce the systemic toxicity of doxycycline owing to the localized nature of the formulation. To achieve this goal, the titanium implants were coated in layer by layer fashion using an alternate combination of Hyaluronic acid and Chitosan to get a controlled release of doxycycline over a two-week period. The objective of my study was to develop layer by layer antibacterial coatings based on the principle of ionic gelation over the surface of titanium implants loaded with doxycycline using chitosan, hyaluronic acid, polycaprolactone Poly-lactic glycolic acid based on a layer by layer self-assembly technique for the prevention of periodontal infections.


Emphasis: Pharmaceutics



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