Library Week 2018: Travel Posters
Library Week 2018: Travel Posters

Public domain and open source elements were used to create "travel posters" for National Library Week .

mysteries and secrets await in the library archives. we don't know what you want but we know how to get it.

greetings from cataloging. marc my words, there is a classification for everything.

come check out circulation. make it a read-letter day.

visit our incredible databases at the library. countless pieces of utterly essential digital information brought to you by slightly inconvenienced electrons.

get what you need on the wings of an interlibrary loan. neither missing items nor obscurity nor mold nor gloom of budget cuts stays these couriers from the swift acquisition of their appointed items.

a galaxy of information awaits you at the reference desk. experience it today.

visit the fabulous stacks in the library. where dead trees come to life!

book-reader do librarians dream of electronic books?