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© 2020 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. The current study aimed to examine the relationships among residents’ impact perception of 2019 Rugby World Cup (i.e. economic impact, cultural interests and new opportunity, community pride, and environmental impact), psychological capital (i.e. hope, self-efficacy, optimism, and resilience), and psychological well-being. The two-wave time-lagged data were collected from residents in the host cities (a following week of the event and eight weeks after the event; N = 206). The results indicated that residents’ perceptions of event impacts were positively associated with psychological capital, which influenced psychological well-being over time. Cultural interests and community pride were considered particularly influential in enhancing residents’ psychological well-being. The findings are useful for policy makers, planning to utilize mega events to boost residents’ psychological well-being.

Relational Format

journal article



Accessibility Status

Searchable text



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