Honors Theses

Date of Award

Spring 5-4-2022

Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis



First Advisor

Stephen Fier

Second Advisor

Andre Liebenberg

Third Advisor

Antonia Eliason

Relational Format



In this study, I use a sample of twenty-one developed and developing countries to examine (1) the country-specific factors related to non-life insurance market development and (2) how factors differ between developed and developing countries. Insurance density, penetration, and total premiums were used as dependent variables to proxy for the insurance market while GDP, inflation, population, fuel exports, population growth, gender, population density, and legal system are used as country-specific independent variables. A comparison of means was conducted to evaluate differences in the dependent variables across the developing and developed countries. Furthermore, regression analyses were conducted to examine the relationships that exist between the independent and dependent variables. Overall, the results from this study indicate there are key differences that exist between developed and developing countries when it comes to non-life insurance market development.

Accessibility Status

Searchable text

Included in

Insurance Commons



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