Honors Theses

Date of Award

Spring 5-14-2023

Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis


Physics and Astronomy

First Advisor

Jake Bennett

Second Advisor

Gavin Davies

Third Advisor

Alakabha Datta

Relational Format



The Belle II experiment at the SuperKEKB electron-positron accelerator facility in Tsukuba, Japan has a primary goal of searching for new physics beyond the Standard Model of particle physics. Extremely precise measurements of particle decays will be compared with Standard Model predictions in order to expose the presence of new particles and interactions. These measurements are prepared using simulated samples to avoid potential biases when studying the data. The Belle II collaboration produces two types of simulated samples for this purpose. One is produced with consistent calibration payloads and another with payloads calibrated as a function of data taking. This study investigates the performance of each, relative to the data, to check the consistency and provide feedback on any potential inconsistencies that should be considered in future analyses.

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