Honors Theses

Date of Award

Spring 5-14-2023

Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis



First Advisor

Dana Nikki Reinemann

Second Advisor

Anne Cafer

Third Advisor

Carey Dowling

Relational Format



Student parents, both undergraduate and graduate, already face the difficult task of balancing their studies and raising children. The COVID-19 pandemic enhanced already present issues student parents face, such as virtual-schooling, daycare costs and closings, staying home with sick children, and potentially not having a local support system, among others. Further, students who are performing laboratory research to fulfill their STEM educational requirements had their
research progress come to a halt when the country locked down. This study aims to identify the struggles student parents faced prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, what issues the pandemic exacerbated, and what new problems have since arisen. Questions focused on: (1) consequences of being a student parent during the pandemic, (2) coping resources, (3) effects on mental health, and (4) demographic information. After 3 months, 35 surveys were completed. In analyzing the survey data, we hope to (1) inform higher education administrations about the unique problems student parents face and (2) formulate a set of recommendations to help mitigate these issues.

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