Honors Theses

Date of Award


Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis


Art and Art History

First Advisor

Virginia Rougon Chavis

Relational Format



Creating a brand for a company can require much time, research, and ingenuity. When The Fabric Dock in Wiggins, Mississippi, opened in April 2013, I began work as their graphic designer and gained valuable experience that has taught me everything from learning to gather strong research for color and typefaces to being able to communicate with the people on the production end. Since I was dealing with a new business, I was able to start from nothing to create exactly what I felt would be the perfect fit for this sea- inspired sewing shop. I spent days conversing with the owners on location, trying to grasp the intentions of the store and just what atmosphere the owners envisioned for their customers. After careful consideration and ample discussion, the owners and I decided to establish The Fabric Dock as an inspiring, beach cottage chic setting to find designer fabric at reasonable prices. I explored the Internet and design magazines to gain as much insight as I could to come up with a successful, versatile logo. I studied Pantone swatches and color reports and claimed Living Coral, Fair Aqua, and Bleached Sand, as the colors, in hopes of producing a refreshed nautical feel. I paired a blocky, stamp-like typeface with a soft, flowing one to create the ultimate contrast needed for the logo. This logo would be constantly seen with the store's icon, a sketched anchor showing a sewing needle with the crossbar connected by a sewn-on button. Not only did I have to unearth information about the store, but I also had to focus on the audience, the customers. Sewing has seen a recent upsurge in popularity. Younger people and children are now becoming interested in this timeless tradition due to trends like Project Runway and Do-It-Yourself projects. Because sewing now encompasses all ages and interests, versatility was the key to constructing signage, advertisements, t-shirt designs, and the rest of the system. I feel I achieved success with versatility, and I hope these design pieces will continually prove to be profitable for The Fabric Dock.

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