
Other Form of Name

Berry, Maureen Helena, 1927-

Publication Date



Dissertations abstracted are: Accounting for Inflation: German Theory of the 1920s by Oliver Finley Graves; The Evolution of French Accounting Thought As Reflected By The Successive Uniform Systems (Plans Comptables Generaux by Anne Fortin); The Accounting Professions Specifications of Procedures and Actions Following Initiations of Selected Legal Actions Involving Allegations of Illegal Or Improper Management Acts: 1939-1978 by Robert M. Bracken; Economy and Society in Brescia During The Venetian Domination, 1426-1645 by Joanne Marie Ferraro; Poverty in Three English Towns, 1560-1640; A Comparative Approach by Thorold John Tronrud; Taylorism in France, 1904-1920: The Impact of Scientific Management On Factory Relations and Society by George Gary Humphreys; Workers, Managers, and Welfare Capitalism: The Shoeworkers and Tanners of Endicott Johnson, 1880-1950 by Gerald Zahavi



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