
Other Form of Name

Elvik, Kenneth Oswald, 1930-

Publication Date



Books reviewed are: Raymond de Roover, Business, Banking, and Economic Thought in Late Medievel and Early Modern Europe Reviewed by Edwin Bartenstein; O. ten Have (translated by A. van Seventer), The History of Accountancy Reviewed by Kathryn C. Buckner; John Michael Cudd, The Chicopee Manufacturing Company 1823-1915 Reviewed by Richard V. Calvasina; Benedetto Cotrugli; Della mercatura e del mercante perfetto (On Commerce and on the Perfect Merchant) Reviewed by Ivan Turk; Harvey Mann, The Evolution of Accounting in Canada Reviewed by George J. Murphy; Richard P. Brief, editor, The Late Nineteenth Century Debate over Depreciation, Capital, and Income Reviewed by Michael Chatfield.



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