Touche Ross Publications
Public-sector strategy: North Carolina builds a high-tech center, Anonymous
Starting up in high tech? We know what it's like, Anonymous
Milton Stewart: Missionary for small business; Forecast: Software, Steve Blickstein and John Imlay
Eight regional profiles, Tara Dantzig
Forecast: Computer grahpics, Gary Demos
Sources of capital: Pros, cons, and comparisons, David M. Fredericks
Forecast: computer revolution; Forecast: Supercomputers, Steven Jobs and David Kuck
Needs of a high-tech start-up: A Consultant's view; Forecast: microcomputers, Rocco A. Laterzo and Adam Osborne
Entrepreneurial ego, Patrick Liles, Howard Stevenson, Barry Unger, and John Keydel
Three corpoate tales: Ground rules for growth, Austin Mayer
Two points of view: Holding the lead in high tech, Dean Morton, Max Donner, and William K. Krist
Private-sector strategy for U.S technolgy: How to be competitive, William C. Norris
Forecast: Medicine/biotechnology; Forecast: Computer power; Forecast: Computers, Frank Press, Leon M. Lederman, Jacob T. Schwartz, and Burton J. McCarty
Management of high technology, Jon Richards
Management primer for high tech: An entrepreneur's view, Stanley R. Rich
Burton J. Smith: Architect of the supercomputer; Forecast: High touch, M. Daniel Rosen and John Naisbitt
Road to research: An Interview with Dr. Lewis Thomas, Lewis Thomas
Accounting and auditing developments, 1983, Touche Ross & Co.
Questions shareholders will ask at 1983 annual meetings, Touche Ross & Co.
Trueblood Professors' Seminar : accounting and auditing case studies : discussion leader's guide, Touche Ross Foundation, American Accounting Association, Thomas J. Burns, and C. Korff
Trueblood Professors' Seminar : accounting and auditing case studies : student case book, Touche Ross Foundation, American Accounting Association, Thomas J. Burns, and C. Korff
Golden gang of three, Antonio A. Amador
Europe's unexpected tax havens, Terry M. Browne
How tax planning can increaed your cash flow, John Connor
Inside look at the 1982 tax law: An Interview with Senator Robert Dole, John Connor and Robert Dole
Not enough yen to balance the budget, Hirotaka Fukuyama
Third-country use: Is time running out?, Steven P. Hannes
How Washington got its act together; Congressional lobbyist comes of age, Anthony J. Hope
How social security can survive: a business roundtable, Russell Palmer, Robert H. Baldwin, Robert A. Beck, and John H. Flittie
Federal tax system for the 1980s, William L. Raby
How the income tax expired: A View from 1994, William L. Raby
Decisions, Decisions, Decisions: A profile of Tax Judge Arthur L Nims III, Eve B. Roxe
Accounting and auditing developments, 1982, Touche Ross & Co.
Touche Ross planning strategies: Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982, Touche Ross & Co.
Touche Ross report on business education, Touche Ross & Co.
Saskatchewan wheat pool: A profile of one Canadian grain cooperative, Ian Bickle
Electronic data: The New communications system, Harvey D. Braun and Randy L. Allen
Biomass energy: A New choice for America, James Hannon and Joseph Buchan
Energy incentives: evaluating government's role, James Hannon and Joseph Buchan
Canadian grain: farm exports are key to economy, J. W. Madill
New technology: Iowa beef and the satellite network, Maurice McGill
Canning study: Impact of new public buying habits, Charles F. Stamm and Richard N. McCombs
Vernon Waldren: A day with the new breed of county agent, Mike Starn
Farm cooperatives: Reaping a bigger share of the harvest, Randall E. Torgerson
Effect of mergers, acquisitions, and tender offers on American business: A Touche Ross survey of corporate directors' opinions, Touche Ross & Co.
New form 10-q under the SEC's integrated disclosure system: review of ASR no. 286, sample form 10-q, quarterly report checklist, ASR no. 286, Touche Ross & Co.
Planning under the 1981 Economic Recovery Tax Act, Touche Ross & Co.
U. S. taxpayers living abroad, Touche Ross & Co.
Agriculture: Its global reach in the 1980's, Clayton Yeutter
Productivity: A Renewed commitment to research in the 1980's, Clayton Yeutter
Future power: The Control of corporate strategy, Kenneth R. Andrews
New power of the nominating committee, Silas S. Cathcart
Six hats of Ray Baumhart, S J, David Dworsky
European view: Corporate board in transition, Bohdan Hawrylyshyn
Notes from the boardroom, Roderick M. Hills
CEO's advice to his successor: Dear Archibald, J. Paul Lyet
Wanted: 100,000 directors -- But who is qualified?, Richard H. Murray
Finding new directors: The Law of supply and demand, Abraham Nad
How to make decisions in the world market, Fred W. O'Green
Financially oriented director: New role and new responsibility, Russell E. Palmer
Chairman's view: Why do we concentrate on rutabagas?, Donald S. Perkins
Oil & Gas accounting, Rudy C. Schreider
How to make audit committees more effective, Robert M. Shehan
Framework for computer integrated manufacturing, Earle Steinberg and James A. Brimson
Survival basics in the recession economy, Touche Ross & Co
Accounting and auditing developments, 1980: December 1979 through December 1980, Touche Ross & Co.
HR 3919 : The crude oil windfall profit tax act of 1980 - An explanation, Touche Ross & Co.
Retail stores: Internal control systems documentation, Touche Ross & Co.
Touche Ross report on progress & perspectives 1980, Touche Ross & Co.
Touche Ross Roundtabale on inflation accounting, Touche Ross & Co.
United states/United Kingdom tax Treaty, Touche Ross & Co.
Southeast Asia & Korea & Taiwan, Touche Ross International
Charlotte Williams: Making county government work, Anonymous
Scott Pierce: Financing urban growth, Anonymous
Municipal advisory board: Sense of fiscal limits, Fred Armstrong, Peter Bearse, Clark Burris, and Arthur Holland
Exports: How to develop foreign markets, Fredric L. Blank
Three improved budgeting techniques, Stephen W. Burnett
How to manage long-term debt, Irwin T. David
Municipal budgeting: The dilemma of supply vs demand, John V. Flynn
Arenas and stadiums: Do they make economic sense?, John G. Foy
Who is responsible to the audit committee?, W. Donald Georgen
Public employee payroll: Can we afford it?, Larry L. Kehler
Rise of hospitable architecture, Bill M. Lacy
Governmental accounting: What's wrong with the status quo?, John Mullarkey and Frank S. Belluomini
MBA and Tax Professional: A Ticket to responsibility, Barry Newman and Joseph Myers
IOS story, or the liquidation of a lively corpse, John A. Orr
Struggle for balance; Three views of finanical management, Russell E. Palmer, Michael Dukakis, Tom Bradley, and Sam Brownlee
Proposed legislation: Three ways to evaluate the cost, A. Alan Post
Federal government: Who's in charge?, Henry E. Schlenker
How audit committees should work, A. A. Sommer
Urban fiscal stress: Is it inevitable?, Charles F. Stamm
Accounting and auditing developments, 1979: December 1978 to November 1979, Touche Ross & Co.
Controlling assets and transactions: How to review and improve internal accounting control; Touche Ross accounting control evaluation, Touche Ross & Co.
Financial reporting and changing prices: A guide to implementing FASB Statement 33, Touche Ross & Co.
Oil & gas accounting : what producers must know about FASB 19, SEC requirements, compliance problems, how to proceed, Touche Ross & Co.
Touche Ross & Co. responds: System for hospital uniform reporting (SHUR), Touche Ross & Co.
Mexico, Touche Ross International
South and central america, Touche Ross International
France, Touche Ross International, G. K. Dykes, and E. Tomsett