50 years later, reflections on JFK

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American Politics | Journalism Studies


The impact of President John F. Kennedy on the American public -- as well as the image of his administration developed by the White House press corps discussed at the Overby Center for Southern Journalism and Politics by four journalists who knew and covered members of the Kennedy family. "The legacy of John Kennedy continues to intrigue people of all political persuasions. A fresh look 50 years later allows us to begin to separate realities from myths," said Charles Overby, chairman of the center and former CEO of the Newseum in Washington, who moderators the program. Overby dealt with the Kennedy family at the Newseum and during his earlier career as a national reporter for the Gannett News Service. He will be joined in the discussion by: Tom Oliphant, a longtime Boston Globe columnist whose connections with members of the Kennedy family made him one of the most authoritative commentators in Washington on their political activities; Susan Spencer, a veteran CBS News correspondent who covered Sen. Edward M. Kennedy's unsuccessful campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1980 and later served as the network's White House correspondent; Curtis Wilkie, an Overby Fellow at Ole Miss, who was a national political correspondent for the Boston Globe for many years, covering Ted Kennedy's 1980 campaign as well as Sen. Robert F. Kennedy's two trips to Mississippi in the 1960s.

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