Roundabout Oxford Podcast

Roundabout Oxford Podcast Episode 10: COVID's Silver Lining



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Roundabout Oxford looks on the sunny side as it examines some of the changes that have come about due to the pandemic, many of them surprisingly positive! First, Brian Corrigan talks to Alex Langhart, UM Director of University Health Services, to get an injection of information about tele-health and more. Then Alex Watson sits down with Kate Centellas, a Career-Life Consultant with the university, to jam about how things like universal Zoom use have changed access to career-life balance tools, often for the better!

Relational Format

audio recording


Roundabout Oxford is hosted by Christina Streeter, Abbie Norris, and Alex Watson, edited by Brian Corrigan, Christina Streeter, Alex Watson, and Taylor Fields, and features Gail Herrera. Music is by Brian Corrigan and Gail Herrera. The podcast is produced through the University of Mississippi Libraries.

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