This is Heaven / music by Harry Akst; words by Jack Yellen
Harry Akst, Jack Yellen, and Ager Yellen and Bornstein Inc. (New York)
Cover: a photo of Vilma Banky; Publisher: Ager Yellen and Bornstein Inc. (New York)
Tain't No Sin (to Dance around in Your Bones) / music by Walter Donaldson; words by Edgar Leslie
Walter Donaldson, Edgar Leslie, and Walter Donaldson Douglas and Gumble Inc. (New York)
Cover: drawing of a Caucasian couple, with skeleton bodies, dancing, caricatures of African American musicians surround the couple; Publisher: Walter Donaldson Douglas and Gumble Inc. (New York)
To The Sun / words by David W. Guion
David W. Guion and G. Schirmer Inc. (New York)
Cover: part of a series titled Five Imaginary Early Louisiana Songs of Slavery; Publisher: G. Schirmer Inc. (New York)
Snap it Up! / words by Frederick G. Johnson
Frederick G. Johnson and Wilkes-Barre: Frederick G. Johnson Publisher
Cover: caricatures of two African American males -- one playing banjo and the other dancing; description reads minstrel opening and closing chorus; Publisher: Wilkes-Barre: Frederick G. Johnson Publisher
Mammy's Lullaby / music by Pete Bontsema and Jacobi, Marty Petro, Julius; words by Al Cameron and Julius Seidor
Pete Bontsema and Jacobi, Marty Petro, Al Cameron, and Julius Seidor
Cover: photo of Al Cameron and Pete Bontsema; Publisher: Milton Weil Music Co. (Chicago)
Gwine to Heaben Some Day / music by Vernon Richner; words by Speed Langworthy
Vernon Richner, Speed Langworthy, and T. S. Denison and Company (Chicago)
Description reads: Negro Spiritual with Male Quartet; Publisher: T. S. Denison and Company (Chicago)
Without a Song / music by Vincent Youmans; words by William Rose and Edward Eliscu
Vincent Youmans, William Rose, Edward Eliscu, and Mills Music Inc. (New York)
Cover: drawing of a lonely looking African American male staring at a distant cabin at night; Publisher: Mills Music Inc. (New York)
Marie / words by Irving Berlin
Irving Berlin
Cover: photo of Vilma Banky; Publisher: Irving Berlin Inc. (New York)
When the Robert E. Lee Arrives in Old Tennessee (All the Way from Gay Paree) / music by Paul Cunningham; words by J. Keirn Brennan
Paul Cunningham, J. Keirn Brennan, and M. Witmark and Sons (New York)
Cover: drawing of the steam boat, Robert E. Lee, arriving at a dock, there is much celebration by the all black crew and crowd; Publisher: M. Witmark and Sons (New York)
Banjo-Pickaninnies / words by Robin Mac Lachlan
Robin Mac Lachlan and Harold Flammer (New York)
Cover: drawing of two rural African American boys playing banjo; description reads a descriptive piano piece; Publisher: Harold Flammer (New York)
Banjo-Pickaninnies / words by T. Robin Mac Lachlan
T. Robin MacLachlan
Cover: description reads: A Descriptive Piano Piece; Publisher: Harold Flammer (New York)
Memories of France / music by Russel Robinson; words by Al Dubin
Russel Robinson, Al Dubin, and Waterson Berlin and Snyder Co. (New York)
Cover: drawing of red roses; Publisher: Waterson Berlin and Snyder Co. (New York)
Three Negro Poems / music by Jacques Wolfe; words by Clement Woodbury
Jacques Wolfe, Clement Woodbury, and G. Schirmer Inc. (New York)
Cover: abstract drawing of African American faces; Publisher: G. Schirmer Inc. (New York)
Short'nin' Bread / music by Jacques Wolfe; words by Clement Wood
Jacques Wolfe, Clement Wood, and Harold Flammer Incorporated
Cover: drawing of an African American woman; Publisher: Harold Flammer Incorporated
Mississippi Mud / music by Harry Barris; words by Harry Barris
Harry Barris, Harry Barris, and Shapiro Bernstein and Co. (New York)
Cover: photo of a Caucasian male playing violin; Publisher: Shapiro Bernstein and Co. (New York)
Kiss and Make Up / music by Al Bogate; words by Ned Miller and Hoefle Karl
Al Bogate, Ned Miller, Hoefle Karl, and Leo Feist Inc. (New York)
Cover: drawing of a Caucasian couple leaning in for a kiss; photo inset of Ralph Jones; Publisher: Leo Feist Inc. (New York)
Sam, the Old Accordion Man / music by Walter Donaldson; words by Walter Donaldson
Walter Donaldson and Leo Feist Inc. (New York)
Cover: drawing of an African American male playing accordion, while children play; photo inset of Helen Moretti; Publisher: Leo Feist Inc. (New York)
My Blue Heaven / music by Walter Donaldson; words by George Whiting
Walter Donaldson, George Whiting, and Leo Feist Inc. (New York)
Cover: a drawing of a small house on a hill and a couple taking a walk on a starry night; photo inset of Harry Richman; Publisher: Leo Feist Inc. (New York)
When You're With Somebody Else / music by Ruth Etting; words by L. Wolfe Gilbert and Abel Baer
Ruth Etting, L. Wolfe Gilbert, Abel Baer, and Leo Feist Inc. (New York)
Cover: n. Illustr.; Publisher: Leo Feist Inc. (New York)
Turkey in the Straw / words by Calvin Grooms
Calvin Grooms and Century Music Publishing Co. (New York)
Cover: caricature of two African American males; description reads characteristic dance novelty based on the famous old melodies Old Zip Coon and Turkey in de Straw; Publisher: Century Music Publishing Co. (New York)
Blame it on the Two Black Crows / music by Harry Harris; words by Haven Gillespie
Harry Harris, Haven Gillespie, and Milton Weil Music Co. (Chicago)
Cover: drawing of two crows dressed in tuxedos; Publisher: Milton Weil Music Co. (Chicago)
Darkey's Dream / words by J.L. Lansing
J. L. Lansing and McKinley Music Co. (Chicago)
Cover: description reads characteristic dance, Grade 3. A study in triplets, skips and dotted notes; Publisher: McKinley Music Co. (Chicago)
Red Lips Kiss My Blues Away / music by James V. Monaco and Pete Wendling; words by Alfred Bryan
James V. Monaco; Pete Wendling; Alfred Bryan; and Henry Waterson, Inc. (New York)
Cover: drawing of a red headed Caucasian woman with bright red lipstick; photo inset of Gogert and Motto - The Human Jazz Band; Publisher: Henry Waterson, Inc. (New York)
Chlo-e (Song of the Swamp) / music by Neil Moret; words by Gus Khan
Neil Moret, Harold Potter, Gus Khan, and Villa Moret (San Francisco)
Cover: drawing of a swamp; photo inset of Ethel Waters; Publisher: Villa Moret (San Francisco)
Among My Souvenirs / music by Horatio Nicholls; words by Edgar Leslie
Horatio Nicholls, Edgar Leslie, and De Sylvia Brown and Henderson (New York)
Cover: drawing of a chest filled with letters and a Rose; Publisher: De Sylvia Brown and Henderson (New York)
Your Land and My Land / music by Sigmund Romberg; words by Dorothy Donnelly
Sigmund Romberg, Dorothy Donnelly, and Harms Incorporated (New York)
Cover: A musical Romance based on Clyde Fitchs Famous Play Barbara Fritchie, floral illustration and a drawing of a house; Publisher: Harms Incorporated (New York)
Tomorrow / music by H. Leopold Spitalny; words by Walter Hirsch and Monte Wilhite
H. Leopold Spitalny, Walter Hirsch, Monte Wilhite, and Forster Music Publisher (Chicago)
Cover: a photo of Gene Austin; Publisher: Forster Music Publisher (Chicago)
There's Everything Nice About You / music by Pete Wendling; words by Alfred Bryan and Arthur Terker
Pete Wendling; Alfred Bryan; Arthur Terker; and Henry Waterson, Inc. (New York)
Cover: a drawing of a girl holding a feather in her hand; a photo inset of John E. Frenkel; Publisher: Henry Waterson, Inc. (New York)
Hit The Deck / music by Vincent Youmans; words by Leo Robinson and Clifford Grey
Vincent Youmans, Leo Robinson, Clifford Grey, and Harms Incorporated (New York)
Cover: description reads: A nautical musical comedy; Publisher: Harms Incorporated (New York)
There's A New Star in Heaven Tonight / words by J. Keirn Brennan, Irving Mills, and Jimmy McHugh
J. Keirn Brennan, Irving Mills, Jimmy McHugh, and Jack Mills Inc. (New York)
Cover: a photo of Rudolph Valentino; Publisher: Jack Mills Inc. (New York)
Horses / music by Gay Byron; words by Richard A. Whiting
Gay Byron, Richard A. Whiting, and Leo Feist Inc. (New York)
Cover: drawing of three horses with riders in a race; photo of the Oriole Orchestra; description reads A Funny Fox Trot Song with Ukulele Accompaniment; Publisher: Leo Feist Inc. (New York)
When Day is Done / music by Robert Katscher; words by B.G. De Sylva
Robert Katscher, B. G. DeSylva, and Harms Incorporated (New York)
Cover: a drawing of womans portrait; Publisher: Harms Incorporated (New York)
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot / words by F. Henri Klickmann
F. Henri Klickmann and Mills Music Inc. (New York)
Cover: description reads negro spiritual; Publisher: Mills Music Inc. (New York)
That Night In Araby / music by Ted Snyder; words by Billy Rose
Ted Snyder; Billy Rose; and Henry Waterson, Inc. (New York)
Cover: a photo of Rudolph Valentino; Publisher: Henry Waterson, Inc. (New York)
Go Back Where You Stayed Last Night / words by Ethel Waters and Sidney Easton
Ethel Waters, Sidney Easton, and Triangle Music Pub. Co. (New York)
Cover: photo of a woman sending a dejected man out into the snow; Publisher: Triangle Music Pub. Co. (New York)
Me Too (Ho-Ho! Ha-Ha!) / words by Harry Woods, Charles Tobias, and Al Sherman
Harry Woods, Charles Tobias, Al Sherman, and Shapiro Bernstein and Co. (New York)
Cover: drawing of a woman in a red dress standing on a green Carpet, in background a man waves to her from his car; photo inset of Jan Garber; Publisher: Shapiro Bernstein and Co. (New York)
The Midnight Waltz / music by Walter Donaldson; words by Gus Kahn
Walter Donaldson, Gus Kahn, and Leo Feist Inc. (New York)
Cover: drawing of Caucasian couples dancing around a clock, indicating midnight; photo of the Oriole Orchestra; Publisher: Leo Feist Inc. (New York)
Just a Cottage Small (By a Waterfall) / music by James F. Hanley; words by B.G. De Sylva
James F. Hanley, B. G. DeSylva, and Harms Incorporated (New York)
Cover: photo of John McCormack; Publisher: Harms Incorporated (New York)
Take em to the Door (that's all there is, there ain't no more) Blues / music by Ray Henderson; words by Billy Rose and Benny Davis
Ray Henderson, Billy Rose, Benny Davis, and Ager Yellen and Bornstein Inc. (New York)
Cover: drawing of a dejected looking Caucasian male, as a Caucasian female enters her house without him; photo inset of Healy and Cross; Publisher: Ager Yellen and Bornstein Inc. (New York)
The Do I or Don't I Blues (The Undecided Blues) / music by Elsie Janis; words by Elsie Janis
Elsie Janis and Irving Berlin Inc. (New York)
Cover: featured by Elsie Janis in Puzzles of 1925; Publisher: Irving Berlin Inc. (New York)
Pal Of My Cradle Days / music by Al Piantadosi; words by Marshall Montgomery
Al Piantadosi, Marshall Montgomery, and Leo Feist Inc. (New York)
Key of Eb. Cover: a drawing of a woman rocking a Cradle; a photo inset of Harry Rappi; Publisher: Leo Feist Inc. (New York)
The Melody That Made You Mine / music by W.C. Polla; words by Cliff Friend
W. C. Polla, Cliff Friend, and Shapiro Bernstein and Co. (New York)
Cover: photo of Vincent Lopez playing piano; Publisher: Shapiro Bernstein and Co. (New York)
Tie Me To Your Apron Strings Again / music by Larry Shay; words by Joe Goodwin
Larry Shay, Joe Goodwin, and Milton Weil Music Co. (Chicago)
Cover: drawing of floral illustration; a photo inset of Sid Garry of Bernard and Garry; Publisher: Milton Weil Music Co. (Chicago)
The Sweetheart of Sigma Chi / music by Dudleigh Vernor; words by Byron D. Stokes
Dudleigh Vernor, Byron D. Stokes, and Richard E. Vernor Publishing Co. (Albion)
Cover: a drawing of a man sitting on a sofa thinking of a woman, she occupies the landscape of his taught; Publisher: Richard E. Vernor Publishing Co. (Albion)
I'm Gonna Bring a Watermelon to my Girl To-Night / music by Con Conrad; words by Billy Rose
Con Conrad, Billy Rose, and B. Feldman and Co. (London)
Cover: drawing of an African American male taking a watermelon to his girlfriend; Publisher: B. Feldman and Co. (London)
Oh How I Miss You Tonight / words by Benny Davis, Mark Fisher, and Joe Burke
Benny Davis, Mark Fisher, Joe Burke, and Irving Berlin Inc. (New York)
Key of Bb. Cover: a drawing of a woman sitting on a sofa thinking; photo inset of Eva Clark; Publisher: Irving Berlin Inc. (New York)
My Kid / words by Al Dubin and Irwin Dash
Al Dubin, Irwin Dash, and Jack Mills Inc. (New York)
Cover: drawing of a young boy (little Jimmie Jr); photo inset of Belle Baker; Publisher: Jack Mills Inc. (New York)
There's Nobody Else But You / words by Wolfe Gilbert
Wolfe Gilbert and L. Wolfe Gilbert Music Corporation (New York)
Cover: a photo of Vincent Lopez; Publisher: L. Wolfe Gilbert Music Corporation (New York)