How to Become a Reflective Literary Citizen


Anne Quinney

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Imagine your favorite book. What if you never read it? Or if the ending were different from the one you know and love? How would it change your overall sense of the work? Or affect your feelings about the author? UM Professor of French Anne Quinney explores the subject of editorial censorship—how a book is subjected to censorship even before it gets published. She suggests ways for us to become reflective literary citizens by asking questions about what we read: Am I reading what the author wrote? Or how she or he understood it? Was a “dangerous” book suppressed and replaced with what we have in print along with a softer message? What is the effect of a mistranslation, however slight, on the overall meaning of the foreign work brought out into English? Learn the backstory in order to get the full story behind the books we love. Anne Quinney is Professor of French at the University of Mississippi. She received her B.A. in Literature and Society from Brown University and Ph.D in French Studies from Duke University. She is the author of three books and numerous articles related to aspects of French literature and French culture more broadly. Her latest project concerns the 20th c. Franco-Algerian writer, Albert Camus, and his relationship to his American editor and publisher, Blanche Knopf This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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