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While it is realized that there are differences of opinion among accountants on some of the questions considered in the presentation of this subject, it is the intent of this article to present what is generally conceded by our leading accounting authorities as the best practice in a well-organized, up-to-date, industrial plant, and to so present the subject to the prospective student that he may fully understand and master the "why" and the "how" of this important question in factory accounting.That the subject may be carefully considered in all its various phases, it will for convenience be developed under the following general divisions in the order in which they are naturally suggested: (1) Basis of Expense Distribution. (2) Methods of Expense Distribution. (3) Percentage Method Exemplified.
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Recommended Citation
Hathaway, Charles E. and National Association of Merchant Tailors of America. Business Efficiency Committee, "General expense and cost summaries: instruction paper" (1909). Individual and Corporate Publications. 98.