Uniform system of accounts for limited dividend housing companies

United States. Interstate Commerce Commission


JANUARY, 1929 The State Board of Housing, having given consideration to the matter of establishing uniform methods and forms of keeping accounts, records and books to be observed by limited dividend housing corporations now or in the future operating under the State Housing Law, and a draft of a uniform system for accounts having been submitted by the Board's consulting accountant, Mr. Ernest Willvonseder, C.P.A., and duly considered by the Board, it is ordered, that the draft of a uniform system of accounts for limited dividend housing corporations now presented to the Board, be and the same hereby is adopted, approved and ordered on file, and that pursuant to Section 15 of the State Housing Law, the methods and forms of keeping accounts, records and books therein set forth are hereby prescribed for the use of all limited dividend housing corporations under the State Housing Law effective for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1928, and that the books and records of all such corporations shall be kept in accordance therewith.