By-laws, Rules of professional conduct, as amended by vote of the membership December 19, 1950;Rules of professional conduct as revised December 19, 1950
American Institute of Accountants
This booklet contains the By-laws of the American Institute of Accountants and the Rules of Professional Conduct as revised December 19, 1950.
By-laws, rules of professional conduct, 1949 (as revised December 4, 1948
American Institute of Accountants
By-laws and rules of professional conduct 1948
American Institute of Accountants
This booklet contains the By-laws of the American Institute of Accountants and the Rules of Professional Conduct as revised January 20, 1948.
Professional ethics of public accounting
John L. Carey
The main purpose of this book is to help young accountants and students to understand the existing rules of professional conduct applicable to the accounting professionwhy each rule seemed desirable, how it is being interpreted in particular situations, how it fits in a logical pattern of sensible conduct for certified public accountants, not only in the interest of society as a whole, but in their own self-interest. By rearranging the subject matter of the rules according to general classes of objectives, an effort has been made to show the profession's own conception of its obligations to the public as a whole, its responsibilities to its clients, and proper relations among its members. This is the "professional viewpoint," the "approach" to public accounting practice. Without understanding the principles on which this viewpoint is founded, it must be difficult to deal with scores of problems that continually arise in practice. Yet the rules of conduct, which reveal these principles
By-laws and rules of professional conduct 1945
American Institute of Accountants
This booklet contains the By-laws of the American Institute of Accountants and the Rules of Professional Conduct as revised January 10, 1944.
By-laws and rules of professional conduct 1944
American Institute of Accountants
This booklet contains the By-laws of the American Institute of Accountants and the Rules of Professional Conduct as revised January 10, 1944.
By-laws and rules of professional conduct, 1943
American Institute of Accountants
This booklet contains the Bylaws and Rules of professional conduct of the Institute of Accountants as revised December 15, 1942.
By-laws and rules of professional conduct, 1942
American Institute of Accountants
This booklet contains the Bylaws and Rules of professional conduct of the Institute of Accountants as revised Oct. 20, 1941.
By-laws and rules of professional conduct, 1941 (as revised January 6, 1941)
American Institute of Accountants
By-laws and Rules of professional conduct, 1940
American Institute of Accountants
This booklet contains the Bylaws and Rules of professional conduct of the Institute of Accountants. These rules of conduct supplement the disciplinary clauses of the by-laws.
By-laws and rules of professional conduct, 1938-1939
American Institute of Accountants
This booklet contains the by-laws of the American Institute of Accountants and the rules of professional conduct, including amendments adopted by the Council September 26, 1938
By-laws and rules of professional conduct as amended to December 1, 1936
American Institute of Accountants
By-laws and rules of professional conduct, 1931-1932
American Institute of Accountants
This booklet contains the Bylaws and Rules of professional conduct of the Institute of Accountants, including amendments prepared by the committee on professional ethics and declared effective May 16, 1929.
By-laws and rules of professional conduct of the American Institute of Accountants as amended September, 1927
American Institute of Accountants
Rules of Professional Conduct, Including Amendments and Additions, September 17, 1923
American Institute of Accountants. Committee on Professional Ethics