Statements on Auditing Standards
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Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 14, Financial Reporting for Segments of a Business Enterprise, requires the inclusion of certain information about an entity's operations in different industries, its foreign operations and export sales, and its major customers (referred to in this Statement as "segment information") in annual financial statements that are intended to present financial position, results of operations, and changes in financial position in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. Disclosure of segment information requires the disaggregation of certain significant elements of an entity's financial statements, such as revenue, operating profit or loss, identifiable assets, depreciation, and capital expenditures. This Statement provides guidance to an auditor in examining and reporting on financial statements that are required to include segment information in conformity with FASB Statement No. 14.
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Auditing -- Standards -- United States; Financial statements -- Standards -- United States
Accounting | Taxation
Recommended Citation
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Auditing Standards Executive Committee, "Segment information; Statement on auditing standards, 021" (1977). Statements on Auditing Standards. 19.
Copyright and permission to reprint held by: American Institute of Certified Public Accountants