Statements on Auditing Standards
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This statement provides guidance that an accountant in public practice (reporting accountant), either in connection with a proposal to obtain a new client or otherwise, should apply. 3a. When preparing a written report on the application of accounting principles to specified transactions, either completed or proposed (specific transactions). b. When requested to provide a written report on the type of opinion that may be rendered on a specific entity's financial statements. c. When preparing a written report to intermediaries on the application of accounting principles not involving facts or circumstances of a particular principal (hypothetical transactions).
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Auditing -- Standards -- United States; Business consultants -- United States; Consultants; Auditors' reports -- Standards -- United States
Accounting | Taxation
Recommended Citation
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Auditing Standards Board, "Reports on the application of accounting principles; Statement on auditing standards, 050" (1986). Statements on Auditing Standards. 51.
Copyright and permission to reprint held by: American Institute of Certified Public Accountants