Exposure Drafts, Comment Letters, and Statements of Position



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This proposed statement on auditing standards contains a number of technical amendments. The amendments are needed to: (1) Recognize, in accordance with a resolution by the Council of the AICPA, the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) as the body to establish financial accounting principles for state and local governmental entities pursuant to rule 203 and standards on disclosure of financial information for such entities outside financial statements in published financial reports containing financial statements under rule 204; (2) Revise the existing standards for the issuance of Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Statement No. 89, Financial Reporting and Changing Prices, which rescinds the FASB's requirement to disclose supplementary information on the effects of changing prices. SAS Nos. 5, 27, and 29 are being amended.

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Accounting and price fluctuations; Finance, Public -- United States -- States -- Auditing; Local finance -- United States -- Auditing; Financial statements -- Auditing -- Standards


Accounting | Taxation


Originally published by: American Institute of Certified Public Accountants; Copyright and permission to reprint held by: American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

Proposed statement on auditing standards : omnibus statement on auditing standards, 1987 ;Omnibus statement on auditing standards, 1987; Exposure draft (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants), 1987, Sept. 4



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