Frederick Robert Bernard Collection



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Dr. Frederick Robert Bernard Collection (MUM01719). Archives & Special Collections, University of Mississippi Libraries.


Where did you dine Christmas Providence March 16th/ 72 My dear dear Boy- I�ve not been treated to a Letter this week and I wish you to distinctly understand the mail boats are constantly running now and no excuse- so take heed. I spent this day week with our afflicted friends The Blackmans. I never saw such beautiful resignation. Willie was ill for three weeks but became so much better that his recovery seems certain. He relapsed and soon sank into death perfectly conscious �till� the last- and turned upon his mother a beautiful smile as his soul winged its flight. He prayed a great deal when he was first taken told his mother whatever was God�s will was his in regard �to his recovery A few days before he died He said mother I have a motto �Jesus, now and forever�Willie was a perfect gentleman in his manners. I was much attached to him. Sue will be married in May to Mr. Bennet of NO- and you will be surprised to learn Mollie is to be the wife of an Episcopal Minister But not for a year yet so don�t allude to it. Molly requested me to thank you for an invitation to a Club Ball. Pa went to Buck Meadow on Wednesday and I continued on to Mrs. Blackburns first visit since you and I were there last summer. The family including Mrs. B�had been at a large party at Mannings and delighted Lizzie is coming in next week to spend a few days with us. She sends you a thousand messages which you may arrange for yourself. We were glad to know you passed the ordeal of examinations so much to your satisfaction. If nothing occurs to prevent I think some one, or other, of your old friends will be present in June. I had a long and affectionate letter from Emeline- �They wish to hear from you, although acknowledge you have but poor encouragement to write.� I think you should write to G. Ma who is now too feeble as it gratifies her to hear from you Em mentions the death of Thos Williamson. He left an estate worth two hundred & fifty thousand dollars- Mrs. Foster has been visiting Mrs. [Sparrow] and lost her little daughter nearly 2 years old- Ma Lonsdale arrived this morning. Cousin Annie doing her own cooking- Your Pa is sitting by [Jne] busy at his Books- I don�t know how he stands so much close application- Have not seem Mrs. Bagley for a long time, I believe her attention is absorbed by her Grand daughter. Ma F has rented [Guenton] and they all will live there. With love from Pa and I by the bushel Your own dear Ma Sarah G. Bernard Sunday Mrs. Lonsdale will spend the eve with us

Sarah G. Bernard to



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