Celebrating William Grant Still, the Dean of African American Composers


Nutt Auditorium

Start Date

19-2-2019 7:30 PM


The annual Black History Month Concert will celebrate the music of African America, Africa, and the Caribbean. The University Symphonic Band, the Fraternity String Quartet, and talented faculty and student soloists will perform instrumental works by Mississippi native William Grant Still, known as the Dean of African American composers. In addition, the Ole Miss African Drum & Dance Ensemble and the UM Steel Orchestra will perform. Special guests round out this vibrant musical experience. Admission is free.

Publication Date

February 2019

Relational Format

conference proceeding

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Feb 19th, 7:30 PM

Celebrating William Grant Still, the Dean of African American Composers

Nutt Auditorium

The annual Black History Month Concert will celebrate the music of African America, Africa, and the Caribbean. The University Symphonic Band, the Fraternity String Quartet, and talented faculty and student soloists will perform instrumental works by Mississippi native William Grant Still, known as the Dean of African American composers. In addition, the Ole Miss African Drum & Dance Ensemble and the UM Steel Orchestra will perform. Special guests round out this vibrant musical experience. Admission is free.