Brown Bag: Reflections from the Family of a Civil Rights Activist 1950-1982


J. D. Williams Library, Faulkner Room

Start Date

25-2-2019 12:00 PM


The family of the late Marjorie Baroni will be speaking about their mother’s work during Freedom Summer and the Civil Rights Movement in a talk entitled, “Reflections from the Family of a Mississippi Civil Rights Activist 1950-1982.” The event is free and open to the public. For more information please contact or 662-915-7408.

Publication Date


Relational Format

conference proceeding

BrownBag_2019-02-25.jpg (432 kB)
Event poster

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Feb 25th, 12:00 PM

Brown Bag: Reflections from the Family of a Civil Rights Activist 1950-1982

J. D. Williams Library, Faulkner Room

The family of the late Marjorie Baroni will be speaking about their mother’s work during Freedom Summer and the Civil Rights Movement in a talk entitled, “Reflections from the Family of a Mississippi Civil Rights Activist 1950-1982.” The event is free and open to the public. For more information please contact or 662-915-7408.