Grover H. Catt Collection

Grover H. Catt Collection


Grover H. Catt, a Mississippi native, was part of the 509th Bomb Wing of the United States Air Force, which dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan during World War II. This digital collection contains photographs taken by Grover Catt and other Catt family members that document the Enola Gay bomber before and after the dropping of the bomb, as well as everyday scenes of Grover Catt and his family in Mississippi and Nebraska.

Copyright Notice: Copyright of materials in the Grover H. Catt Collection remains with the Catt family. These items may not be reproduced, re-posted or saved except under fair use, as stipulated by copyright law: reproduction is not to be "used for any purpose other than private study, scholarship, or research." If a user makes use of these digital files for purposes in excess of "fair use," that user may be liable for copyright infringement.

Image from this collection: "Enola Gay, after returning from atomic bomb run" (August 1945)


Browse the Grover H. Catt Collection:

Catt Family Life

Grover H. Catt in Mississippi

Grover H. Catt in the U.S. Air Force