Other Form of Name
Moore, Robert A., 1838-1863
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Written from in from Moore's time in Corinth, MS through his journey to Virginia and early camps, this diary details Moore's daily activities. Parts of this volume are unpublished poems, letters from friends & daily routine of camp life in a schedule form.
Subject Headings (Library of Congress)
Confederate States of America. Army -- Social conditions; Troop movements; Confederate States of America. Army -- Equipment; Weather; Skirmishing; Rumor -- United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865; Patriotism; Soldiers -- Wounds and injuries; Confederate States of America. Army. Mississippi Infantry Regiment, 17th. Company G; United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Relational Format
Archival Material
Original Format
Finding Aid
Original Collection
Robert Augustus Moore Diary (Small Manuscripts 1978.9), Special Collections, University of Mississippi Libraries
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Some of the images and language that appear in the digital collections depict prejudices that are not condoned by the University of Mississippi. This content is being presented as historical documentation to aid in the understanding of both American history and the history of the University of Mississippi. The University Creed speaks to our current deeply held values, and the availability of this content should not be taken as an endorsement of previous attitudes or behavior.
Date range: 27 May - 11 November 1861; For further biographical information on Moore & transcripts of the diary, see : Silver, James W. A Life for the Confederacy, as recorded in the Pocket Diaries of Pvt. Robert A. Moore, Co. G, 17th Mississippi Regiment, Confederate Guards, Holly Springs, Mississippi. Jackson, Tenn., McCowat-Mercer Press, 1959. Cataloged: http://umiss.lib.olemiss.edu/record=b1254723~S0
Also included in the Civil War in the American South collection.