Cofield Collection

Cofield Collection


The collection of photographs taken by "Colonel" J.R. Cofield and his son Jack Cofield includes images of William Faulkner, the town of Oxford, Lafayette County, and photographs taken for the University of Mississippi Yearbook.

The collection also contains vintage prints collected by Cofield relating to Faulkner's life and family.

J.R. and Jack Cofield's original works are copyrighted to the University of Mississippi. Many images were collected by J.R. Cofield, and are subject to copyright under the creator.

Image from the collection: Portrait of Colonel J. R. and Jack Cofield with camera, image 5 (1978)


Browse the Cofield Collection:

Cofield Collection (complete)

Cofield Family

Lafayette County Courthouse

Oxford Area

Oxford Schools

Oxford Square


Rural Mississippi

University Buildings and Grounds

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University Faculty and Staff

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University Students

William Faulkner, Family, and Rowan Oak