Presentation: "Character Development"

Presenter Information

Shane McDermott


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Bryant Hall 209

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Start Date

10-10-2019 6:00 PM

End Date

10-10-2019 7:00 PM


Shane McDermott is a cartoonist, character designer, illustrator, and comics professor living and working in Memphis, Tennessee. He is currently editing a comic anthology featuring himself and several of his former students as well as developing pitches for a few personal comic projects. He’s totally available for freelance in Comics as a penciler, inker, colorist, and/or letterer and also anything Illustration-related. (text from McDermott's website)

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Oct 10th, 6:00 PM Oct 10th, 7:00 PM

Presentation: "Character Development"

Bryant Hall 209

Shane McDermott is a cartoonist, character designer, illustrator, and comics professor living and working in Memphis, Tennessee. He is currently editing a comic anthology featuring himself and several of his former students as well as developing pitches for a few personal comic projects. He’s totally available for freelance in Comics as a penciler, inker, colorist, and/or letterer and also anything Illustration-related. (text from McDermott's website)