American Institute of Accountants





Form of Application for Admission as Member of the Association, American Association of Public Accountants


It has been thought advisable to form The Certified Public Accountants Association, Frank Broaker


I wish you would sign the enclosed form, being an application for membership in the Certified Public Accountants Association, Frank Broaker


Letter Re: Petition in support of William Sanders Davies, C. P. A. , to the office of State Examiner of Public Accountants, qith petition attached, Frank Broaker


I desire to state that the American Association has long since given this and other Bills (which were more inimical to the interests of the Certified Public Accountants of the State of New York) prompt attention., Frank Broaker and American Association of Public Accountants. Legislation Committee


Letter to Henry A. Niles re: The National Society organized with 67 members, Frank Broaker and National Society of Certified Public Accountants in the United States


The first organization meeting will be held on Wednesday afternoon next, the 18th August, at 4 o’clock, at the offices of Smith, Reckitt, Clarke & Co., 62 Wall Street, New York City, Frank Broaker and National Society of Certiifed Public Accountants in the United States


Its Aims High: Objects of the National Society of Public Accountants, Brooklyn Standard Union


Lecture Committee was appointed "To communicate with the Members of the Association, and arrange for a programme of Lectures for the May meeting, Leonard H. Conant and American Association of Public Accountants


Letter to Henry A. Niles re: Calling a meeting of the Membership Committee of the National Society of Certified public Accountants in the United States, Nelson V. Ketchum and National Society of Certified Public Accountants in the United States


Letter to Henry A. Niles re: I desire to call a meeting of the Membership Committee of the National Society of Certified Public Accountants, Nelson V. Ketchum and National Society of Certified Public Accountants in the United States


The First Quarterly Meeting of the Society mill be held on Tuesday afternoon next,, Frederick C. Manvel and National Society of Certified Public Accountants in the United States


Proxy ballot, Annual election of officers, Annual meeting, December 28, 1897, National Society of Certified Public Accountants in the United States


clipping from New York Times, 8/20/97: Public Accountants Meet, Society Aims to Elevate and Improve Its Profession and Establish an Accountants’ Library, New York Times


Handwritten letter to Henry A. Niles, T. Cullen Roberts and American Association of Public Accountants


I am directed by the Board of Trustees to advise you that they have taken all necessary steps to protect the interests of the members of the Association in connection with the legislation inimical to the profession, now pending at Albany, T. Cullen Roberts and American Association of Public Accountants


I am instructed by the Board of Trustees to ask the favor of your communicating with the Advisory Board Committee, T. Cullen Roberts and American Association of Public Accountants


Details of the Organization Meeting of the National Society of Certified Public Accountants in the United States, copies of newspapers containing a short account of the proceedings have been mailed you, plus membership list, Arthur W. Smith and National Society of Certified Public Accountants in the United States



Handwritten letter to Henry A. Niles, T. Cullen Roberts and American Association of Pubic Accountants



Announcement: Meeting to install Executive Council, May 15, 1894, Institute of Accounts, Charles E. Cady and Institute of Accounts


Invitation: Installation of officers, May 15, 1894, Institute of Accounts, Thomas S. Whitbeck and Institute of Accounts



letter re: CPA examination from Henry Harney to Henry A. Niles, June 15, 1893, Henry Harney


Receipt for $5 from Henry A. Niles, June 9, 1893, Institute of Accountants of the City of New York



By-Laws of the Institute of Accounts, 1891, Institute of Accounts



Form of Application for Admission, American Association of Public Accountants



Letter from Executive Committee, American Institute of Accountants, to Members and Associates of the AIA Re: Incorporation of the American Institute Benevolent Fund, Inc., American Institute of Accountants. Executive Committee