Haskins and Sells Publications
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Sells, Elijah Watt, 1858-1924
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Originally published by: A. W. Shaw Company;
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Sells, Elijah Watt, "Natural business year and thirteen other themes; Natural business year for inventories and fiscal closings. July, 1921; You can't judge your business by the past three years. March, 1921; Certified public accountancy as a profession. September 16, 1915; Accounting profession--Its demands and its future. September 29, 1915; Cost accounting. November 29, 1909; Accountant of 1917. February 2, 1907; What shall be bone to put education for accountancy on a professional basis?--A symposium. January, 1907; Inaugural address. October 24, 1906; Certified quarterly statements advocated for corporations. July 11, 1914; Publicity of financial affairs of corporation. August 2, 1911; Corporate management compared with government control. January 20, 1908; Why not lessen the evils of present taxation? July 13, 1921; Plan for international peace. January 11, 1915; Proposed plan for handling interline freight claims. December 31, 1904" (1924). Haskins and Sells Publications. 1723.
Original copyright held by: A. W. Shaw Company (copyright not renewed)