Daily Mississippian

Daily Mississippian


The Daily Mississippian, often called The DM, is the award-winning, editorially independent campus newspaper of the University of Mississippi.

Update, June 2024: We are currently uploading archival issues of The Mississippian and The Daily Mississippian as they are digitized. If you are looking for a particular issue that you cannot locate, please email us: egrove@olemiss.edu


Browse the Daily Mississippian Collections:

Daily Mississippian: 2010s

Daily Mississippian: 2020s

Daily Mississippian (all digitized issues)

The Daily Mississippian: 1970s

The Mississippian: 1910s

The Mississippian: 1920s

The Mississippian: 1930s

The Mississippian: 1940s

The Mississippian: 1950s

The Mississippian and The Daily Mississippian: 1960s