Workshop 3: The Road to the 2020 Census: Focus on Mississippi



Start Date

19-7-2018 2:25 PM


In 2012, the Census Bureau realigned its field operation. As a result, six regions were closed and those states were distributed among the remaining six regions. The Atlanta Region grew from three states to seven states, including the state of Mississippi. The 2020 Census will mark the first time the Atlanta Region has administered the decennial operation in Mississippi. Increasing the participation rate in a decennial is always the goal. To this end, the Atlanta Region has met with several local governments in the Mississippi Delta to provide them with an overview of the 2020 Census and to assist them in organizing Complete Count Committees for a successful enumeration. The key to increasing participation rates is local involvement at every level of the process. The Mississippi Delta is a priority for the Atlanta Region.

Moderator: Clifford Holley, University of Mississippi Center for Population Studies and State Data Center of Mississippi

Presenter: Marilyn A. Stephens, US Census Bureau, Atlanta Region

Relational Format

Conference Proceeding

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Jul 19th, 2:25 PM

Workshop 3: The Road to the 2020 Census: Focus on Mississippi


In 2012, the Census Bureau realigned its field operation. As a result, six regions were closed and those states were distributed among the remaining six regions. The Atlanta Region grew from three states to seven states, including the state of Mississippi. The 2020 Census will mark the first time the Atlanta Region has administered the decennial operation in Mississippi. Increasing the participation rate in a decennial is always the goal. To this end, the Atlanta Region has met with several local governments in the Mississippi Delta to provide them with an overview of the 2020 Census and to assist them in organizing Complete Count Committees for a successful enumeration. The key to increasing participation rates is local involvement at every level of the process. The Mississippi Delta is a priority for the Atlanta Region.

Moderator: Clifford Holley, University of Mississippi Center for Population Studies and State Data Center of Mississippi

Presenter: Marilyn A. Stephens, US Census Bureau, Atlanta Region