Interview with Kajavia Bean, hair stylist and singer



Creation Date



Some of the images and language that appear in the digital collections depict prejudices that are not condoned by the University of Mississippi. This content is being presented as historical documentation to aid in the understanding of both American history and the history of the University of Mississippi. The University Creed speaks to our current deeply held values, and the availability of this content should not be taken as an endorsement of previous attitudes or behavior.


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Interviewer and Recordist: Kevin Dyess. Recorded at the home of Kevin Dyess (Oxford, Miss.)

Subject Headings (Library of Congress)

Gospel music -- Mississippi; Music -- Mississippi -- Batesville;

Relational Format

audio recording

Original Format


Original Collection

Field School for Cultural Documentation, North Mississippi Music Project (MUM01725), Archives and Special Collections, University of Mississippi Libraries


The oral histories and associated materials in this collection are for research purposes only and may not be reproduced or used without explicit permission from the University of Mississippi Libraries.

Accessibility Status

Audio or Video Captioning

ama2007bean_kajavia_fieldnotes.pdf (7707 kB)
Field Notes: Kevin Dyess

ama2007bean_kajavia_audiolog.pdf (6682 kB)
Audiotape log

ama2007_bean_kajavia_transcript.pdf (167 kB)
Transcript: Kajavia Bean

This document is currently not available for download.
