"Finding Aid for the Dorothye Quaye Chapman Reed Collection (MUM00799)"

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Finding Aid for the Dorothye Quaye Chapman Reed Collection (MUM00799)


The Dorothye Quaye Chapman Reed Collection includes scrapbooks, correspondence, awards, certificates, newspaper clippings, writings, photographs, print material, and other materials related to Dorothye Quaye Chapman Reed’s life and career.

Dorothye Quaye Chapman Reed graduated from the University of Mississippi in 1974 and subsequently served as a University of Mississippi Admissions Counselor until 1977. She served as the Assistant Director of East Tennessee State University from 1977 to 1981, a Dow Jones & Company, Incorporated sales representative from 1982 to 1996, founded a private consulting firm in 1992, and beginning in 1996, the Manager of Dodge Editorial, a part of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Incorporated. Reed received recognition for raising African American student enrollment at the University of Mississippi, helped found the Black Student Affairs organization at East Tennessee State University, and has worked to promote African American women’s history—including with her book Outstanding Black Women of Yalobusha County: Their stories and their contributions to a Mississippi Community and the “Outstanding Black Women of Yalobusha County” project. In addition, she contributed numerous articles to the North Mississippi Herald, many of which can also be found on her website Black Women of Yalobusha County. In addition, she was an organizer, participant, and collaborates on the Black Families of Yalobusha County oral history project with the University of Mississippi. She has received recognition in all of her professional endeavors.