eGrove - Faculty and Graduate Student Forum on Race and Ethnicity: 5. My name is Latrice.: Negotiating Racial Politics and Navigating Discrimination through Black Names and Naming

5. My name is Latrice.: Negotiating Racial Politics and Navigating Discrimination through Black Names and Naming

Event Type


Start Date

27-2-2023 10:00 AM


Latrice Johnson ( ) is a third-year student in the M.A. in English program at the University of Mississippi. Her research interests include African American literature, American literature, Blues literature and culture, Gender studies, and Film/Media studies.

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Conference proceeding

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Feb 27th, 10:00 AM

5. My name is Latrice.: Negotiating Racial Politics and Navigating Discrimination through Black Names and Naming

Latrice Johnson ( ) is a third-year student in the M.A. in English program at the University of Mississippi. Her research interests include African American literature, American literature, Blues literature and culture, Gender studies, and Film/Media studies.