3. Can Jackson Schools Be Revitalized by the Panthers and KCR?
Event Type
Start Date
27-2-2023 9:00 AM
Mark Dozier (madozie1@go.olemiss.edu) is an MA student in Sociology with an emphasis on race/ethnicity. His research interests involve policy making to create equity for Black and poor populations.
Relational Format
Conference proceeding
Recommended Citation
Dozier, Mark, "3. Can Jackson Schools Be Revitalized by the Panthers and KCR?" (2023). Faculty and Graduate Student Forum on Race and Ethnicity. 4.
3. Can Jackson Schools Be Revitalized by the Panthers and KCR?
Mark Dozier (madozie1@go.olemiss.edu) is an MA student in Sociology with an emphasis on race/ethnicity. His research interests involve policy making to create equity for Black and poor populations.