Carroll Gartin Collection

Carroll Gartin Collection


A Democrat, Carroll Gartin served three terms as Mississippi's Lieutenant Governor (1952-1956, 1956-1960, and 1964-1966). He lost a 1953 campaign against incumbent James O. Eastland for the U.S. Senate and a 1959 race against Ross Barnett to become governor of the state. In 1966, Gartin announced his intention to run for governor again but died of a heart attack in December of that year.

The material provided here represents only a fraction of a much larger physical collection whose finding aid is available online. At the moment, the digital collection holds only recordings related to Gartin's political campaigns and photographs.

Although descriptions for everything are available to anyone on the internet, only some of the recordings are accessible on the web due to copyright. Researchers may view restricted recordings through onsite computers in the University of Mississippi Libraries.

Images from this collection (L to R): Gartin speaking with gavel in his hand (circa 1950s); Carroll Gartin reading a book (circa 1950s); Gartin for Governor rally (circa 1950s)


Browse the Carroll Gartin Collection:

Carroll Gartin Photographs

Carroll Gartin Recordings