The Price of the Ticket: Paying for Diversity and Inclusion

The Price of the Ticket: Paying for Diversity and Inclusion

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Starting in 2015, faculty, staff and students at Rutgers University gained a better understanding of the untold story of the disadvantaged populations in the university’s history through the Scarlet and Black project, co-chaired by historian Deborah Gray White. In this year’s Gilder-Jordan Lecture in Southern Cultural History at the University of Mississippi, “The Price of the Ticket: Paying for Diversity and Inclusion,” White explained the Scarlet and Black project itself – how African Americans and Native Americans influenced the Rutgers campus, and how it raised complex questions for the university to consider as it began an introspection on and recognition of the past.

The Scarlet and Black project culminated in three volumes of Scarlet and Black, which traces Rutgers’ early history from 1766 to the present, uncovering how it benefited from the slave economy and how the university came to own the land it inhabits, as well as examining how concepts related to race and gender evolved during the 20th century. The books also focus on student activism and the on-campus history of students of color from World War II to the present.

White is the Board of Governors Distinguished Professor of History at Rutgers and a specialist in the history of African American women.

She is author of Ar’n’t I a Woman? Female Slaves in the Plantation South and Too Heavy a Load: Black Women in Defense of Themselves, 1894-1994. She also is editor of Telling Histories: Black Women in the Ivory Tower, a collection of personal narratives by African American women historians that chronicles the entry of Black women into the history profession and the development of the field of Black women’s history.

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The Price of the Ticket: Paying for Diversity and Inclusion
