"The Historicity of Theodosius’s Rescript on the Communion of Damasus a" by Lester L. Field Jr.

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The late eighth-century Codex Veronensis LX (58) uniquely transmits the Exemplum synodi habitae Romae episcoporum XCIII ex rescripto imperiali. Recent historiography has neglected the manuscript and reduced the Exemplum synodi to the realm of textual curiosity or fabrication, as supposed redactors— supposedly without synodal, imperial, or archival authorization—melded proceedings of Roman and Antiochene synods that met between 371 and 379 into a unified whole. Yet, this document remains crucial to understanding Western- Nicene acceptance of Meletius as bishop of Antioch and his communion as orthodox. Through internal and external investigation using techniques of material philology, the present study seeks to establish the authenticity of the Exemplum synodi.

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