Honors Theses

Date of Award


Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis



First Advisor

Molly Pasco-Pranger

Relational Format



This thesis seeks to analyze the current perceptions of the study of classics from an Integrated Marketing Communications perspective with the goal of realigning misconceptions with the contemporary ideology of those within the field. The field of classics is facing challenges stemming from misappropriation of the field itself, and there is a current debate about the decline in the number of classicists in the field and in the number of undergraduate students studying classics. Specifically, this thesis looks at the Department of Classics at the University of Mississippi as a model for other like departments across the field to use the findings in order to expand their own department’s reach. Combining both Classics and Integrated Marketing Communications, this thesis aims to answer the question about how the perception of the study of classics can change without losing the prestige and history behind it. Through both secondary and primary research, insights are gathered to form a conclusion and recommendations for the Department of Classics at the University of Mississippi to look into. Many aspects of the departments were analyzed to form these insights, including its current branding, its outreach programs, and the structure of the department’s degree requirements. It was discovered that engaging with potential students through social media, increasing interactions with other liberal arts programs, and preparing students for beyond graduation are key recommendations for the department to follow.

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