Honors Theses

Date of Award


Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis


Art and Art History

First Advisor

Matthew Long

Relational Format



As a Bachelor of Fine Arts candidate with an emphasis in Ceramics, the culmination of my undergraduate education was a formal showing of my work at the Gallery 130 in Meek Hall at The University of Mississippi, Oxford Campus from April 1, 2019 to April 5, 2019. I chose to make pieces of functional, utilitarian pottery with the intent of providing the user with an entrance into a memorable and contemplative experience. Taking influence from historical slipware mark-making - especially German Pennsylvanian Tulipware, I work to craft pieces that are inviting, generous, and strong. Both my show and written thesis explore the importance of surface, and its relationship to utilitarian form. Both also elaborate on the effects of color not only as an expressive vehicle, but to help give definition to objects in space. The thesis addresses those things, along with my exploration of the idea of slowing down a moment in time through the use of pottery.

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Ceramic Arts Commons



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