Honors Theses

Date of Award


Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis


Integrated Marketing Communication

First Advisor

Samir A. Husni

Relational Format



[FEMALE] is a collection of profiles that feature the stories of some of the most influential and inspiring modern American women and how they have influenced the world. The profiles look into the lives and careers of female athletes, entrepreneurs, political figures and entertainers who are currently alive in 2019. Each profile includes dialogue from recorded interviews with the featured women. The idea for this project came from wanting to learn more about the successful, influential role models in my life. To learn about the hardships and odds they overcame in order to achieve their dreams and become the women they are today. I chose a diverse range of women to feature in hopes that anyone that reads this collection would be able to identify a woman they can emulate. I believe in women and I hope these profiles serve as a reminder that women are capable of changing the world, one story at a time.

1543_FEMALE_mag.pdf (12052 kB)

Accessibility Status

Searchable text

Included in

Communication Commons



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