"A Compilation of Accounting Case Studies and Analyses" by Madison Huey

Honors Theses

Date of Award


Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis



First Advisor

Victoria Dickinson

Relational Format



Over the course of two semesters I completed twelve case studies under the direction of Dr. Victoria Dickinson. Each of those cases is presented here to serve as my Honors Thesis. They are accompanied by brief analyses to show my understanding of each topic covered in the case. In addition to the completion of case studies, I also had the opportunity to attend twelve presentations from Big 4 firms. During these presentations, I learned the values of each firm and had the opportunity to network with professionals from each firm. Furthermore, I participated in two case competitions, during which I was required work with a team to use critical thinking and problem solving skills to solve particular financial problem. Once we determined the best course of action, my team and I presented our analysis and solution to firm management. Each of these opportunities and the direction of Dr. Dickinson ultimately lead me to my senior accounting internship, which I completed with PwC in Dallas. I have accepted a full-time job offer with this firm and will start in 2020 once I have received my Master’s of Accountancy: Data and Analytics from the Ole Miss Patterson School of Accountancy.

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Included in

Accounting Commons



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