"An Examination of Accountancy Case Studies" by Joshua Cathey

Honors Theses

Date of Award

Spring 5-9-2020

Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis



First Advisor

Victoria Dickinson

Relational Format



This thesis explores topics that are relevant to the profession of accounting, specific to the experience of a young professional in public accounting. Topics vary from exploration of tools used to analyze data, research into which city would be a good place to start a career, as well as relevant regulatory legal issues. The cases required a mixture of research as well as problem solving to obtain an understanding of the issues at hand. This research aided my ability to perform in front of accounting professionals at case studies that were hosted on campus. Through this research I decided on where I want to start my career, as well as which industry within accounting I would like to focus in. Upon conclusion of my research, I feel confident that public accounting is a good place to begin my career, and that I am prepared for what I will encounter in the professional world.

Accessibility Status

Searchable text

Included in

Accounting Commons



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