Honors Theses

Date of Award

Spring 5-9-2020

Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis


Integrated Marketing Communication

First Advisor

Jason Cain

Second Advisor

Ricky Burkhead

Third Advisor

Emily Bowen Moore

Relational Format



The following thesis documents the writing and recording of When We Say Goodnight, an album by Lo Noom. The author discusses the various influences that led to the development of the album’s concept. The album is meant to explore the feelings the author associates with summer nights in Mississippi. He attempts to create a world in which the songs and feelings live. He discusses the album’s song development and various recording processes. As he brings the album to completion, a struggle emerges between the author’s desire to please his audience and his desire to create for his own personal enjoyment. He wrestles with which of these two desires should be prioritized in his artistry. He includes how his undergraduate studies in Integrated Marketing Communications helped bring him to a conclusion. He settles that this album represents his prioritization of creating for personal enjoyment over creating for commercial success. In conclusion, the completion of this album causes the author to redefine what success as an artist means to him.

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